Community Arts, to us, is a way of describing creative activities that bring people together in their communities and that give people the opportunity to gain new skills and new opportunities. 

Community Art Project is an integral part of Key stage 4 and was initiated by our Deputy Head of Mutiara International Grammar School,Mr Jehabar Sadiq Mohd Nizamuddin.                                                                     

This program works to nurture the potential that exists in all communities to be creative and to find a voice to express their concerns through and using the Arts. In our school, Community Arts is a newly-introduced subject based on a series of student-led projects which involve the community through the aspect of art.

Our Aims & Objectives;
  •  To develop individual pupil’s potential, aptitude and talent in a caring and purposeful environment.
  • To educate pupils on the importance of giving back to society and to familiarise pupils with situations of the outside world.
  • To promote the pupil’s personal development and an understanding of themselves and others.
  • To ensure that each pupil grows to understand that serving and caring for others brings the highest rewards in life. 
  •  To provide a multi-faith foundation, open to and respectful of everyone, regardless of difference in gender, race, culture, beliefs, values, age and needs. 
  • To be an Eco-friendly school.