Sunday, 3 March 2013

Term 1 2012/2013 (Year10)

First Class Project (Music Group)
For our first project for community art we had to complete a Class project, and our topic was ‘’Respecting Differences’’. I was a part of the music group. Our plan was to perform 2 different songs to the class that have lyrics that relate to respecting differences. The song we chose were ‘’Black or White by Michael Jackson’’ and ‘’True Colours’’. I have to admit it was a challenge to be prepared to songs, furthermore our group was quite large. But in the end we were able to prepare and perform these two songs for the class. On the day of the performance we were able to sing the song without any major mistakes or problems. Overall I thought we performed well and we were able to convey our message.
Khosyi 10T

First Class Project (Art Group)
For our first project, we wanted to bring our year closer together. We wanted to know what we were all afraid about, our hopes and our dreams to help us understand each other better. We collected boxes of different sizes and shapes and decorated them but we left a space in the middle for sticky-notes. We stacked and stuck all our boxes together and gave out sticky-notes and markers for our class to anonymously write down their fears and their dreams. When it was complete, we displayed it in out class for everyone to read what people had written. It was a real bonding experience for us because we could see that although we may all look different or act different, we still share the same fears and dreams.

—Ru Bee