Sunday, 3 March 2013

Term 2 2012/2013 (Year 10)

Appreciation Day 
Our Appreciation Day project was the best. In this project, all the Year 10s had a special day with the support staff, where we thanked them and gave them gifts.  We also talked to the junior children to educate them about the importance of the support staff and about what they’ve done for us. We even played musical chairs with them and one of the cooks was the champion of the game. We served them food which we had made (with lots of love!) and we all had a good time. We finished the day off with a group hug and it was very touching to see some of them tearing up. We had to go through many obstacles but it was worth it in the end. It was all a big success and we’re all very proud.
                                                                                             —Sangeeta 10E

Our second project was ‘’Appreciation Day’’. After spending week for planning and we finally made it happen! Appreciation day is basically a day where we get together with our schools kitchen staff, security guards and cleaners and show how much we appreciate them. We brought food, played games like musical chairs with them and gave them a warm welcome. We also presented gifts to them.  The smiles on their faces made us even happier. We could see we were connecting with them. We were all so excited and happy! From their happy faces, it showed us that they now know how much they mean to us. That was when we knew we succeeded. We showed how much we truly appreciated them. We thanked them for all that they have done for us and the whole school. 

                                                                                           —Amatullah 10E