Being President - Talent Show 13'
Being the president of the Talent Show, it was overall a very exciting, fussy and memorable experience. While I didn't have one or a few specific jobs to do, my assistant and myself basically had to control everything that was happening and make sure that all are well.
From the beginning, we had to assign everyone into groups and made sure that they all had jobs during the preparation of the Talent Show and responsibilities during the day itself. It was quite a challenge to give everyone tasks that are suitable and can be done within the time frame.
However, the biggest obstacle for me came when we had 200
tickets and we needed to sell all of it. Sell all of it for 5 ringgit each. Did
I think we were going to have trouble selling them? Obviously yes.
Fortunately or unfortunately - I'm not exactly too sure myself
- is that my fear and expectation was slightly off the mark. Despite having to
run and chase people around the school to hand people tickets and get our
money, we were able to sell all the tickets. Nu-uh, in fact we had demands for
more tickets.
And after all the tiring work, the clock finally struck 6.30pm
on the 8th of July - we got ourselves into the real deal. To my absolute
delight, the limited space of the hall was easily overshadowed by the remarkable
performers and the roaring crowd. Rabshaau and I helped out the MCs during the
lucky draw and also helped give out the certificates and trophies - which we
made and bought ourselves - to the superb winners.
I think we all agreed that it was a rather successful night
and that we felt very honored to have been allowed to associate our event with
Suka Society. Not to forget, we also managed to make profit and persuaded
people to donate to the point where I proudly say we made more or less 2000
ringgit in total; all of which were given to Suka Society in order to help the
very unfortunate victims of human trafficking and child abuse.
— Siti Hanifah Adiiba 11T